The Father's Business Devotionals

Prayers For Your Husband

These Scripture-based prayers will challenge wives to pray diligently for their husband. (You can pray for sons and the other men in your life using this prayer. Single women, can pray for your husband-to-be.) Plead for God’s mercy upon him; give thanks for all God will do for him (1 Tim 2:1). Using the Word of God, pray for him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. Present every part of him to God.

His Head
The head of every man is Christ. O Lord, may You be the head of my husband. Thank You, God, for being head over all and for your perfect plan for our home.

His Mind
Lord, cause my husband to know Christ with real certainty and clear understanding. Your plan for him is Christ Himself, and in Him are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col 2:2-3). May he be spiritually minded which is life and peace (Rom 8:6).

His Eyes
Open his eyes, Lord, that he may see from Your perspective (2 Kings 6:17). May he keep his eyes alert for spiritual danger, stand true to you, and be strong (1 Cor 16:13).

His Ears
I pray that my husband will hear Your words with His heart, not just his mind (Ps 78:1) so that You can instruct him (Deu 4:36). Open his ears and give him wisdom (Job 33:14-1 7). When You speak to him, I pray that he will listen and not resist or turn away (Isa 50:5).

His Mouth
Set a watch, O Lord, over his mouth (Ps 141:3). Help him to make the most of his opportunities to tell others about victory in Jesus and to be wise in all his contacts. Let his conversation be gracious and wise (Col 4:3-6).

His Heart
Enable my husband to obey Your command to love You with all his heart and soul and might (Deu 6:5). Let his heart be filled with You alone to make him pure and true (James 4:8).

Create in him a clean heart filled with clean thoughts and right desires (Ps 51:10). You desire to make his heart soft (Job 23:16). Help him to keep his heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life (Pro 4:23).

His Arms
Lord, be His arm every morning and His salvation in the time of trouble (Isa 33:2). Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is the Lord (Jer 17:5, 7).

His Hands
I pray that he will continue to bless You as he lifts his hands to You in prayer (Ps 63:4). You want men everywhere to pray with holy hands lifted to You, free from sin, anger, and resentment (1 Tim 2:8).

His Legs
Help my husband walk by faith and not by sight (2 Cor 5:7). May he use every piece of Your armor to resist the enemy, so that he will stand firm (Eph 6:13). Help him lay aside every weight and the sins that trip him up, so he can run with patience the race that You have set before him (Heb 12:1). Help us to walk together in the light of Jesus, so we can have true fellowship of spirit with each other (1 John 1:7).

His Feet
Thank You, Lord, for setting his feet on a firm path as he walks with You (Ps 40:2). Hold his feet to Your path (Ps 66:9).

A Prayer For Our Marriage
I pray that You will enable us to honor You by submitting to each other (Eph 5:2 1). Help us to live in complete harmony with the attitude of Christ (Rom 15:5). May we live happily in Your love through all our days (Ecc 9:9).

I will keep on rejoicing in You, for as I pray for my husband, and the Holy Spirit helps him, everything works for our good and Your glory (Phil 1:19, Rom 8:28-29). Glory be to You, God, who by Your mighty power at work in my husband is able to do far more than I could ask or dream or hope. In Jesus’ name, amen.

This is a condensed version of a longer prayer found in Prayer Portions and For The Family

Taken from Prayer Portions, pg 278-281.

Devotion Category: Prayer

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