The Father's Business Devotionals

Praying The Lord’s Prayer, Part 2

Let’s again take a fresh breath in the Lord’s Prayer. Familiarity so often dulls wonder. Left to our own devices, we may just read God our do-list from our souls and hurry off, without our spirits engaging the Intercessor.    

One dear brother “got it” and responded to Part 1 from the deep place that he touches in God and God touches in him. “In my prayers of praise recently God seems to have put the words “infinitely perfect” in my spirit. Of course, I cannot conceive of either infinity or perfection, but the mental exercise of describing Him as infinitely perfect in beauty, holiness, purity, power, righteousness, justice, generosity, creativity, goodness and of course in love, grace and mercy begins to give me a picture of just how awesome and wonderful He is. I find myself dumbfounded that anyone could be so creative, loving and merciful to conceive of such a plan of redemption through our Lord Jesus. Who but God could have thought up such a plan and carried it out, all for his dumb sheep who constantly go astray. Thanks be to God from whom all blessings flow.”

Once again… and often… come before God praying and praising your way through the Lord’s prayer, so that you don’t miss anything of our infinite God. He meets our seeking in the utter simplicity of 60-plus words that allow us to spend more time knowing His perfections.

Jesus prayed a third of the prayer before He got to “what’s in it for me.” The first 23 words are directed to God, His holiness, and worthiness to be worshiped. This beginning focuses us on the Person of God and keeps us there until we begin to understandĀ His greatness and humble ourselves before Him. It points us toward God-consciousness, putting God on the throne, and dethroning our self-centered desire to control and get things done by God. The next 30-plus words are petitions, and the next 13 return to the throne of God to gaze on His glory.

The pattern is gaze at Him and glance at our legitimate life needs, our problems, heart desires, difficulties, and impossibilities, and then bring them to His throne and leave them there, gazing steadfastly at Him.

We will be worshiping more each day and experiencing more sense of His presence with us. We will live by a higher agenda when we ask for the Kingdom agenda, not our own.  We will more often do the Kingdom thing and submit to His plan, purposes, and perspectives. We will experience cleanness of soul that only forgiveness brings and see more answers as the hindrance of an unforgiving heart is removed. Through the Lord’s prayer, we ask for victory and confidence in Jesus’ protective shield against the adversary. We will hunger to see more of the kingdom, power, and glory of God revealed in reality, not just as theology.

Meditate on the relationships that God pictures here.Ā Present yourself to Him in all of these roles.Ā Let God expand this outline for you and your individual concerns.

Our Father: Reflect on His person, intimacy with Him in our family relationship.

 Hallowed be Your name: Bow before Him in reverence for Him and His name. Your will be done: Submit to His plans, obeying His will.

Your kingdom come: Stand in awe of His kingdom authority, His purpose.
Give us this day: Trust His provision, in total dependence on Him for even your next breath.

Forgive us our debts: Receive His pardon and cleansing from sin, as you forgive others

Lead us not into temptation: Claim His protection and strength over temptation and sin.

Deliver us from the evil one: Take your stand in His ultimate victory in spiritual warfare.

Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory: Be amazed at His power and sovereign, glorious rule.

God is inviting you to renew your heart in Him and join Him in who He is for you in this prayer. With a full heart, thank God for ministering to you deeply in your inner being and inviting you deeper into the wonder of knowing Him better and loving Him more through this classic prayer.

Ask God how to pass the blessing on. Ask God whom he is laying on your heart to pray for. You might pray it for a family member, someone in need, a friend, or your spiritual leaders, that they too might know all God’s person and character as the ultimate provisionĀ for their deepest needs.

Taken from “Personally Praying the Lord’s Prayer”, Prayer Essentials for Living in His Presence, Vol 2, page 31, and “Praying The Lord’s Prayer For Missionaries,” Vol. 2, p. 190-191.

Devotion Category: Prayer

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