How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those
who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings,
who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, Your God reigns. Isaiah 52:7
I have posted watchmen on Your walls, O Jerusalem;
they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord,
Give yourselves no rest, and give Him no rest … Isaiah 62:6-7a
Father, bless intercessors wherever they are standing at their posts, unseen and unsung in the hidden work of prayer. You appointed and anointed them by Your Spirit of grace and supplication for standing in the gap between Your holy Hand and the judgment that the sins of our city and our nation deserve. Strengthen the hands of these intercessors with patient endurance and with Aarons and Hurs to come alongside them (Exo 17:10-13). Return and re-employ former intercessors taken from their place on the wall because they became discouraged or distracted. Come as the good Samaritan to the praying ones who have been robbed and beaten by life circumstances. Pour the oil of Your spirit over these wounded soldiers, take them up, and carry them, having already paid for their restoration to wholeness and health and to their gifting and calling, which are irrevocable.
Appoint new intercessors and birth in them a holy desperation for prayer until we see You answer as You promise and show us great and mighty things we have never seen and don’t even know how to ask for. Awake Your church to receive new mantles of prayer and hear Your appointment to specific posts in intercession. By the Spirit of Christ Jesus, who ever lives to intercede, plant in the hearts of every believer the spirit of prayer in obedience to the commands of God’s Word to pray without ceasing.
Raise up intercessors who will …
Answer Your call with grateful hearts full of thanksgiving.
Thank You for allowing us the privilege and entrusting to us the responsibility of standing in the gap for the nation, the church, and our homes. Receive the sweet incense of our praises day and night all over our area.
Respond to Your call to the fear of the Lord
“Listen! The Lord is calling to the city, and to fear Your name is wisdom (Mic 6:9).” Let our obedience to Your voice be instant, complete, and joyful, just because You are Lord and we submit to You above all else.
Hear Your call to humility and holiness
Search us, bend us, break us. We crucify cost, comfort, reputation, convenience, and business as usual not to miss the day of visitation of the Lord. You are moving, let us not miss You.
Hear Your call to Your vision and purposes
Raise up men and women of Issachar, who know their God, know the times, and know what Your people are to do (1 Chron 12:32). Give us men, women and children who seek Your mind and heart to pray Your prayers. Let us pray with You, not just to You, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done” prayers.
Hear Your call to unity
Lead us to come together with other intercessors no matter how they look or how they act, so the oil of the Spirit can be poured out as we come together in one accord to receive the blessings of salvation You promised in Psalm 133.
Hear Your call to the nations in prayer
Father, have mercy and reveal Your holy arm to redeem and Your salvation and Your glory in the sight of all nations.
Let these prayers be like the trumpet call to which Nehemiah referred when he said, “The work is extensive and spread out. Whenever you hear the sound of the trumpet, join us there. Our God will fight for us. Remember the Lord who is great and awesome (Neh 4:17, 20).”
Father, humbly we ask You to rend the heavens and come down in an unprecedented way to make this a nation of jubilee, of righteousness, of spiritual refuge, and of new life.
Spirit, touch Your church.
Stir the hearts of Your church to pray as never before.
Show us Your glory.
Say to the city, “Behold Your God!”
Taken from “Prayer For God To Call Out Intercessors,” Prayer Portions, page 316.