The Father's Business Devotionals

Show Me Your Glory

Hudson Taylor, missionary to China, said, “We are changed by beholding.” He may have had 2 Corinthians 3:18 in mind. “But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.”
For years each January I took some time with God to ask Him what He wanted me to pray for the year. And for years, the answer was the same, “Show me Your glory.” When you come face to face with God’s holy glory, you do one of two things: run away or run to His grace for transformation.
Ponder the prayer requests of Moses: “Let me know Your ways that I may know You. Show me Your glory. Go among us (Exo. 33:11-19, 34:5-10).” Isaiah was changed by beholding the glory of God, the awesome revelation of His holiness (Isa. 6:1-8)  As you behold His glory, make Psalm 51:10-11 your prayer: “Renew my spirit” from glory to glory.
Just between you and God, pray through these transformation points in the verses below. Tell God you want a new beginning of His glory and His Spirit unhindered in your life.
By your Spirit, renew in me:
humble and contrite spirit Ps. 51:17
steadfast spirit Ps. 51:10
willing spirit Ps.51:12, Ps. 110:3
a servant’s heart Mark 10:44-45
spirit of forgiveness Eph. 4:32
quiet and gentle spirit 1 Peter 3:4
spirit of repentance Acts 26:20b
grateful spirit Eph. 5:20
unity Phil. 2:1-8, Rom. 15:5-7
weeping Ps. 126:5-6
joy in the Lord Ps. 33:1
return to first love, spirit of revival Rev. 3:18-20, 2:4-5
spirit of love 2 Tim. 1:7, 1 Cor. 13:3-8
diligent spirit 2 Tim. 1:7
delight in the Lord Ps. 37:4, 40:8
longing for God Is. 26:9
yielded spirit Phil. 2:5-8
teachable spirit Ps. 25:4-5
spirit of truth 1 John 4:6
spirit of edification Eph. 4:29
renewal/filling of Holy Spirit Eph. 5:18, John 7:37-38
whole-hearted spirit Num. 14:24
spirit of fear of the Lord Isa. 11:2
rest in the Lord Ps. 37:7
undivided heart and new spirit Eze 36:26, Ps. 86:11
spirit of praise Isa. 61:3
strong in spirit Eph. 3:16
worshiping spirit John 4:24
faith, rest in God Heb. 11:6, Ps. 37:7
spirit of wisdom Deu. 34:9
Thank God for the new thing that He is doing in your life. Present to Him the clean empty vessel of your life to fill with His Spirit. May our heart’s cry be that of Moses and Isaiah
Let me know Your ways that I may know you.
Show me Your glory.
Go among us.
Renew my heart from glory to glory by Your Spirit.

Taken from Prayer Portions, pg 198-200. © 1991,1995 by Sylvia Gunter.
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Devotion Category: Prayer

Devotion Subjects: Prayer Portions, Renewal

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