“This is what the Lord says: Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?” (Isaiah 66:1).
God is looking for men and women who hear and obey when He speaks, who follow the truth He reveals and have a sweet, holy desire to please Him. These lives become the holy dwelling places of God which He can bless with Himself in a special way.
Even in the midst of the storms of life our hearts can be at rest. How can it be? Our rest is not a state of mind, but the Person of Jesus. Jesus is our Peace. His invitation is simple and yet profound. Come to Me, all who are weary, and I will give you rest.
This kind of rest is bigger than physical relaxation or absence of labor. It is not just getting away. This rest is as you are going wherever God has called you. In Exodus 33:14, God says, “I will go with you and give you rest…” in the midst.
This rest is an exchange of our frenzy, frustration, hurry, care, and anxiety for all the Spirit of Jesus, His strength and unruffled peace. It is all of God, manifesting all of Himself, in all the details, showing Himself strong in spite of our weakness, pressures, or circumstances.
God has the keys to His perfect rest. We must first cease striving in the energy of the flesh (Ps 46:10-11). Get a fresh glimpse of His love and authority to live in harmony with the Father. When you struggle, acknowledge it and repent, “The dove of the Spirit is not resting undisturbed on my spirit, my heart, my soul, my mind, will, and emotions.”
When we trust, we have the rest of Jesus by entering into it. Jesus provided a key when He said, “Learn of me, and you will find rest for your soul.” He did not say learn facts about Me, but learn Me, learn My ways, learn to receive from Me.
Let Perfect Rest, the Lord of glory Himself, live uncontested in you and transform you by living His life through your spirit, from the inside out. Talk to him often until you hear the dove of the Spirit saying, “You are my beloved son or daughter. I am well pleased with you.”
God is seeking such intimacy and unhindered communion that He is the explanation for all our life, because we don’t depart from a conscious sense of His presence permeating us. This is “tabernacling” where the Spirit of God rests.
Taken from Prayer Portions, pg 293-242