This collection of vital prayer tools is for husbands and wives, dads and moms, who want to know God’s word, obey His will, pray His heart, and see Him glorified in your family.
You will be encouraged and challenged to pray fresh, powerful prayers for your family. Some of the titles are:
- Clean Hands, Pure Heart Inventory
- Steps To Powerful Prayer
- Praying On The Armor
- Warfare Prayer
- Bondage-Breaking Prayer
- Spirit Of Separation
- Praying For Your Husband
- Praying For Your Wife
- Praying For Your Children
- Seven Blessings For Families
- Prayer For Generational Bondages
- “God Is Greater” Declaration
- Under Authority
- What If You Are A Single Parent?
- When You Don’t Know What To Pray
- Psalm 91
There is no higher calling than to minister God’s love, grace, and power to your family through praying for them. These prayers were refined in the Refiner’s fire of practical on-the-knees experience. In our society, the pace of life is ever faster and faster.
For the Family is user-friendly for the “drive-thru window” generation. It is intended for two groups: those who need a starting point for a lifestyle of intercession for your family, and for those who may have worried on your knees and called it prayer and need fresh weapons in the battle for your family.
Praying for your family is the most vital, unrelenting, frustrating, neglected, and rewarding assignment.
- It is vital. Your life and your family’s may depend on it.
- It is unrelenting. It is daily. The enemy does not give up resisting the will of God for His children. That is the name and nature of our adversary – the accuser, opposer, destroyer, thief, deceiver, liar, setter of snares, tempter.
- It can be frustrating, when you have worried, scolded, and prayed in every way you know to pray, and still the rebel does not surrender, the spiritually dead one does not come to life, the backslider does not awake to God’s call to return.
- It is neglected. There is never enough time. Our busyness steals time from praying. We normally do anything and everything else first. Prayer should be our first response, not the last resort.
- But it is rewarding, when in answer to prayer alone, God begins to break through in ways that are undeniably God.
In these days, prayer is not a nice add-on, an optional extra. It is our life, it is our only hope.
Carondelet Nollner –
This book was gifted to me as young parent. It taught me and guided me through praying for my children. It continues to be am important part of my prayer rhythm for my family. Now I get to use it in praying for my grandchildren! It’s been a pleasure to gift it to parents all over the world, including families in Kenya and the Spanish edition to families in Nicaragua. Every parent needs to have this book in their prayer arsenal.
Dottie Musser –
I’ve used this prayer guide for years and it never gets old. Strong doctrinal praying. . You won’t be disappointed with theses Spirit directed prayers.
Betsy –
I have used this booklet for probably 20 years. I am not a rote prayers person, but this set of prayers is truly awesome. The prayers are specific, short, densely packed with scripture and biblical truths. I feel like I’ve got an arsenal
with me when I kneel to pray with this book in hand. It packs a wallop from which the enemy reels and the kingdom of God advances. I have purchased many over the years to give as gifts or tools.
Shalena Hackney –
Very Nice
Crys Hatcher –
The original “Prayer Portions Sampler” version of this booklet has been an integral part of my prayer life for 20+ years, and I am thrilled to discover this updated version for gifts. The gift and power of praying God’s Word will touch and transform the lives of those who embrace it. I am truly thankful for Sylvia Gunter and this ministry.