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“May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:23
“The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow.” – Hebrews 4:12
God’s pattern is spirit, soul, body in that order. Yet most of us live our lives in the opposite, leading from our bodily appetites and soul satisfactions. God’s design is that we respond to him and life out of our spirits led by his Spirit. Our spirit should lead our soul and body to glorify Jesus. Every day we have to choose to let Jesus in us respond from our spirits, instead of reacting from our souls and bodies.
You Are Blessed comes out of passion to see people living and ministering from the fullness of their God-given spirit. It contains blessing on the following themes:
- Identity And Legitimacy
- Your Father’s Heart
- Emotional Healing
- Comfort
- Fruit Of The Spirit
- Enlargement Of The Human Spirit
- Holy Boldness
- Hope In Disappointment
- Intimacy With God
- Living In Your Spirit
- Time
- Physical Healing
- Seven Covenant Names Of God
- Seven Portions Of The Human Spirit
Blessings are being used in many ways: husbands and wives are blessing each other, parents are blessing children of all ages, including adult children, teachers are blessing students in classrooms, people are blessing total strangers on the phone, counselors are blessing clients, friends are blessing friends. Desperate people have found a lifeline through the blessings. Thousands of times God has met his children at their place of need through the power of blessings.
Pam Caldwell –
This book is one I go back to again and again. It truly is “spirit food”. I find it nourishes my spirit and helps me stay strong in the Lord. When I hit a difficult place, I pull out this book and take in a little strength for the climb. It is not just nice words, it is filled with scripture which is why it makes such a difference in me. I highly recommend this book.
Marf Rodenbeck –
When my prayer list got too long, i often just went to HIS names for perspective. Then i got this book and found HIS powerful presence even more real! The name of the LORD is truly a strong tower!
Amy Weatherly –
This book has changed my life! I accepted Christ in 1976 but only this year, do I really feel like I am saved AND free. It has taught me how to pray for spiritual healing in ways I have never known. Praise God for this amazing resource!
Jann Pinnick –
I was looking for The Blessing and Bless Your Spirit came up on the web. I bought it, loved it and moved on to You Are Blessed In The Names Of God. I read and grow in spiritual grace each time I pick up this book. I love it.
Rachel Kimmel –
This is an amazing Book that blesses your Spirit over and over again with God’s word and God’s heart for you. It will lift your Spirit and help you believe and rely on God’s word. It will breath Holy Spirit’s Ruach breath into you as you learn to live by the Spirit. Its a life-changing book that you will return to again and again for the rest of your life. Sylvia Gunter has a gift to speak Gods word to your Spirit in amazing ways.