“…the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name” (Eph. 3:14-15).
Spiritual blessings begin with a revelation of God as Abba Father. Be blessed with a love relationship with Him. He wants you to know Jesus personally and grow in Him. Be blessed to desire righteousness that conforms you to the will and ways of God. He wants to give you holy joy in abiding in Him.
Be blessed with emotional blessings. Jesus is your healer of emotions. He releases healing to remove rejection, failure, and shame. Choose forgiveness for yourself and others. Be blessed with peace and joy to replace fear and anxiety (Matt. 10:13) because God never fails. In Him you can have strong hope to believe Him for His promises.
Be blessed with knowing your personal value in Christ. You are of great worth to your heavenly Father. Let Him show you how He sees you in His Son. Receive His favor and His heart for you.
Be blessed with right relationships with others. Let God direct you to right loyalties and wholesome friendships that encourage your life with Him. May you live in healthy community with others.
Be blessed with mental blessing to remove blinders of deception from your mind, so that you will know the truth and have godly wisdom and discernment, knowing good and doing it.
Be blessed with God’s health and safety for all physical needs. Lean in to God’s strength and protection.
Be blessed in all your labors that God has authored. May your work or studies prosper in the provision of His hands. Acknowledge that He is your source and provider.
I pray blessings. I speak blessings. I choose to be a blessing.
Taken from Blessing For Life: Word Of Hope and Healing p. 22