“Her children rise and call her blessed” (Pro. 31:28).
Mom, God created the family and the roles of mother and father as a reflection of who He is. Thank you, Mom, for the ways you have shown both God’s tenderness and strength. Your lovingkindness makes the good times brighter and the trying times easier. You are a blessing that no one can replace.
So much of what you do is not seen by others. Be blessed to know that God sees everything. Receive the hope of His reward for the many hours spent praying, serving, and loving your family (Matt. 6:18b). May God richly bless you for the many thankless tasks and just plain hard work. Hear your Father say of you, “Well done, good and faithful servant. I love you. I am well pleased with you” (Matt. 25:23; Matt. 3:17).
You may have felt at times that your identity is what you do: diaper-changer, taxi-driver, cook, or caregiver. Be blessed to hear your Father speak to you of your true identity. You are your Beloved’s and He is yours (Song 6:3). You are the deeply loved and cherished by God simply because of who you are. Be blessed to sense how He celebrates you.
You are a mother to both physical and spiritual children. Many benefit from the gift of who you are. May every godly seed that you have planted in the lives of others bear fruit in multiplied ways. You are making a larger impact than you can comprehend. Be at peace knowing your generational legacy is secure. God shows His love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments. Stay faithful to who God has made you to be, and He will do the rest.
Be blessed to continue to walk in the light of Jesus so that His name and renown may be magnified in the coming generations. Be blessed as you carry the holy blessing of His presence with you every place you go.
Happy Mother’s Day from The Father’s Business
Taken from Sylvia Gunter’s new book Blessings For Life: Words Of Hope And Healing.
Blessings For Life includes a biblical foundation of spirit, soul, and body and blessing the human spirit, 50 blessings for yourself and your family, and an appendix of verses on the human spirit and answers to the most frequently asked questions.