Celtic prayer has a strong Trinitarian tradition. God was God of all of life, so Triune God was involved in everything, from rising in the morning, to tending the sick cow, to banking the fire in the evening. The simplest, most classic trinity prayer comes from the collection called Carmina Gadelica, first written in 1866 from the oral tradition.
I am bowing my knee
In the eye of the Father who created me,
In the eye of the Son who purchased me,
In the eye of the Spirit who cleanses me.
Mrt was stirred to write my own Trinity prayers in the midst of my needs for every day. I consciously brought all of God into all of my day. I dug into the Bible to see the threefold expression of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I was blessed to discover how active he is in our world as he relates in blessed Trinity to his children in the fullness of who he is. How well do you know God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?
Living In The Fullness Of The Trinity, is an invitation into the rich harmonies of our Triune God. Enjoy eight excerpts of the 175 triplets of declaration in the book.
Read these declarations of truth about the majesty and supremacy of God, but don’t just read them. Delight in them. They are for intimacy, not just information. Selah. Pause. Don’t be so jaded by familiarity that you miss these heart-stopping revelations of God. Let all three Persons of his being plant this deep within you in awe and reverence and wonder. Ask him to show you how to take in the sublime revelation of who he is. Let your spirit receive this from God and then respond from a full and overflowing heart. Don’t move on to the next triplet until each one is deep within you.
I am lifting my heart to…
The Three of Intimacy
The Three of Redemption
The Three of Power
Exclaim “How great you are!”
He is Gardener, Vine, and Fruit.
I thrive in his hands.
The Father is the gardener, the vinedresser. John 15:1
The Son is the Vine, we are his branches. John 15:5
The Spirit is the fruit of the Spirit in us. Gal 5:22-23, 25
Be intentional to stay connected to him.
He is God of desert places.
I am grateful that…
The Father led his people as his sheep in the desert. Ps 78:52, Isa 48:21
The Son defeated the tempter in the desert. Matt 4:1, Luke 4:1, 14
The Spirit was the fullness of power for the desert. Luke 4:1, 14
Ponder his power in your life.
He is goodness.
I rest in him because…
The Father stores up his goodness for us. Ps 31:19-21
The Son is the Good Shepherd. John 10:11
The good Spirit leads and instructs us. Ps 143:10, Neh 9:20
Lean into his goodness.
He is King of Glory.
I am overcome with wonder that…
The Father is the King of glory. Ps 24:10
The Son is Christ in us, the hope of glory. Col 1:27
The Spirit is the Spirit of glory and of God on us. 1 Peter 4:14
Bow your heart before his glory.
He is Maker of heaven and earth.
He is the first cause of everything.
The Father is the Maker of heaven and earth, from whom our help comes. Ps 121:2
The Son upholds all things by his powerful word. Heb 1:3
The Spirit, the Breath of the Almighty, who made us, breathes his breath into us, and sustains our life. Job 33:4, John 20:22
Thank him for his sustaining care.
He is all-powerful.
I acknowledge his might.
The Father sent his glorious arm of power to divide the waters before his people. Isa 63:12
The Son destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light. 2 Tim 1:10
The Spirit is the power by whom Jesus taught, healed, did mighty miracles and preached the gospel on earth. Luke 4:14
Be blessed in his sovereign rule.
He is the God of victory.
I take confidence that…
The Father is Lord of hosts, God of angel armies. Ps 24:10 NKJV
The Son disarmed all principalities and authorities, triumphing over them by his cross. Col 2:15
The Spirit is the sword of spiritual warfare. Eph 6:17
Shout, “Hallelujah!”
Take this Trinitarian understanding into your daily life, into your praying and living. Let these triune truths wrap themselves around your heart and spirit as well as your mind.
“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
be with you all” (2 Cor 16:14).
Living In The Fullness Of The Trinity is an invitation into the rich harmonies of our Triune God. These eight excerpts of the 175 triplets of declaration in the book are taken from Living In The Fullness Of The Trinity.