The Father's Business Devotionals

Blessing Of Your Belovedness

You are your Beloved’s and He is yours (Song 6:3). He called you His beloved from eternity. Your Father was pleased to make you His own (1 Sam 12:22). The voice of your loving Father resonates in you in a deep place. He is blessing you every day with Himself, nothing less. He is there for you. Your Father wants you to know His deep bonds with you, His deep attachment to you with cords of never-ending love (Jer. 31:3).

Hear Him speak to you about trust, faith, and love that is much deeper than the mindset of survival. Listen to Him say, “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders” (Deu. 33:12). He is holding you close to Himself. He is whispering to you, “I care for you. I know every detail about you, and wherever you go, I go with you. Wherever you rest, I keep watch. I give you food that will satisfy all your hunger, and I quench all your thirst. I will never hide My face from you. Nothing will ever separate us. Wherever you are, I am.”

Taste deeply of love, of God, and of truth. Hear Him speak to you about your deepest yearnings, your wishes, your hopes, and your dreams. Know the treasure you are to your Father. You are a chosen one, a special person, noticed in your uniqueness, eternally valued. You are priceless and irreplaceable, safe in His everlasting embrace, at rest in His non-comparing love. Let your Abba protect your emotions, as He surrounds you with the shield of His presence (Ps. 5:12).

Be blessed by your Father who can never leave you or forsake you.

Taken from Safe In The Father’s Heart, p. 75


Devotion Category: Blessing

Devotion Subjects: Love, Safe In The Father's Heart

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