In the movie The Patriot, Benjamin Martin is a loving father who reluctantly goes to fight in the Revolutionary War. His youngest daughter Susan is too young to comprehend why her father has to go away and refuses to speak to him when he returns for a visit. He begs her to say something, anything. But she refuses. As he rides off on his horse to fight once again, Susan screams for her Papa not to go. All he has to do is tell her what he wants her to say, and she will say it. The father jumps of his horse and takes Susan in his arms and assures her that she doesn’t have to do anything. He delights in her because of who she is. He looks her in the eye and says, “You make me happy.”
Your life is like a treasure map, and you are on a journey of discovery of your true identity, legitimacy, and confident freedom. Feel God’s light shining upon you, revealing the seven colors of the rainbow of his covenant to you. Be blessed as your God and Father creates new pathways of significance where none has consciously existed. Be blessed as you discover how the seven colors of God’s covenant are displayed in you. Be blessed with deepening significance that you can sense should be there. Receive the gentle voice of your Father speaking in the core of your essence, “You are my beloved.”
Don’t find your identity and legitimacy from any human person, thing, or accomplishment. Only your spirit connection with your Father is significant to your identity and legitimacy. That’s the truth of your life. Claim it, and live it.
Precious one, be blessed as you live your life as a redeemed eternal child of your eternal Father. His will for you is that you know that you are beautiful, his own special creation. Be blessed to know that he determined for you an appointed place and time and purpose and that in him you live and move and have your being (Acts 17:26,28). Be blessed to live and move in tune with your Father’s heart for your identity, legitimacy, calling, authority, and birthright. Today is the day of his favor for you. Be blessed as you stand tall in all your legitimacy as a covenant right from your Father the King. Be blessed as you choose to live from his heart and in your authority in him. Be blessed in Jesus’ name as a child of his God and Father (Eph. 1:3).
Based on You Are Blessed In The Name Of God, page 28, © Sylvia Gunter 2008. Click here to order An archive of past devotionals is available on the website.