Listen to God’s Word with your spirit. “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him, for he shields him all day long, and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders” (Deuteronomy 33:12).
You can rest in the truth that you are your Father’s beloved. Taste deeply of the love of God. Know the treasure you are to him. You are a chosen one, a special person, noticed in your uniqueness, eternally valued. You are priceless and irreplaceable, safe in his everlasting embrace, at rest in his non-comparing love. Be increasingly aware of your belovedness. You are precious in your Father’s eyes. Receive this so that you live with a stable, settled sense of true belonging. Your real gift is not so much what you can DO; it is who you ARE. The good things you DO reveal what a beautiful person you ARE.
Your beloved Father provides a safe, secure environment, and you don’t have to test him continually, fearfully asking questions, such as “Are you still with me?” “Will you still be with me if…?” “Prove it by…” Be blessed to choose against the accuser’s lies about your adequacy, identity, legitimacy, your past, present, and future. Be blessed to know that you can never be rejected or abandoned by your Father. He never leaves you alone. His love is your companion every step of the way. Be blessed with knowing his heart that nurtures belonging, inclusion, and worth. Be blessed with healing of your soul’s rejection wounds and the abandonment wound that is deeper.
Discover more fully who God is and whose child you are. Your life is an opportunity to become who you are, to affirm your own true spiritual nature and to say “Yes” to the One who calls you the beloved. Your legitimacy is settled in him. Trust what he wants you to see and hear. He gives you great gifts of inner peace, joy of living, sense of well-being, solidness and strength inside, and healing. Share your life in encouragement, hope, and trust. When you are secure, your presence is a joy to those who know you.Get quiet and listen to the voice of love saying good things to you. Trust God’s voice of affirmation; it is persistent, strong, and deep. It will never let you go. Don’t be pulled out of your center in your belovedness. Be blessed to be attentively present to him to see his fingerprints and feel his closeness. Drive a stake in this blessing as the truth that shapes your daily life. Synchronize with the voice calling you the beloved, and continually align yourself with your belovedness.
Be blessed in the life of the Chosen One (Luke 23:35).
Based on You Are Blessed In The Name Of God, page 48