Listen to the Word of God in Genesis 1:27. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him.”
God made you in His own image. His light in you is loaded with the richness, magnificence, and knowledge of Himself. David said, “Let the light of your face shine upon us” (Ps 4:6). Lift up your face to His face to receive a transfer directly from Him.
Be blessed in the godly desires that He programmed into you when He made you in His image. You participate in His divine nature as He unpacks His deposit in you. He delights in enlarging you. He enjoys the process of your growth.
When you are strong and full of light, you reflect the nature and character of God, but your soul has been in control at many points: stuck in the past, wounded, undernourished, in bondage, in fear, and shame. You have been run over by others through manipulation. You have been controlled by your own wounded or fearful reactions. You have been trapped. But you are not a victim! That is not the real you; you are made of the essence of the light of God. You have the best intentions, but the wounded soul keeps you from being seen as you really are. Be blessed to heal the soul by speaking truth to it. Be blessed with growth and tenacity and strength to overcome. God wants to be in control in you.
Be blessed with God’s life in you where you have been wounded. You are meant to manifest the good things that God wants. Be blessed to be large and strong to implement the will of God in your life. Let Him make you who He wants you to be in His time and by the path that He takes you. You are a wonderful child of God. Be blessed with becoming everything God knows you can be. Be blessed to live in dignity and honor, in your true authority and birthright.
Be blessed in the name of the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation (Col 1:15).
From You Are Blessed In The Names of God. page 59-60