Vol I: 9″ x 11″ — 306 pages, perfect bound
Vol II: 9″ x 11″ — 344 pages, perfect bound
Prayer Essentials picks up where Prayer Portions left off. Prayer Essentials will whet your holy hunger to see God move in our day with His awesome reviving presence.
It will challenge you toward clean hands and pure heart and equip you for new levels of spiritual opposition. It builds on the Father-heart and intimate friendship with God in Prayer Portions.
It emphasizes the pleasures of prayer, beyond duty to joy and delight. It will lead you to actually keep company with God often in prayer, not just talk about prayer.
It will encourage your praying with a keen sense of the presence of God. It is for those who are serious about consciously living in God’s presence and praying by His direction. It contains fresh inspiration for times when you have prayed everything you know to pray and need the help of the Holy Spirit in praying His prayers of worship, repentance, and warfare.
Click here for a list of topics covered in Vol I (PDF)
Introduction To His Presence
10 portions
Provokes us to keep company with God, to hunger to become a house of prayer that attracts His presence, and to keep praying with a keen sense of His presence. The Holy Spirit invites us to journey deeper into God’s heart, as He enlarges our hearts toward Him. Longing for His presence will make us His intimate friends, which will lead to all the wisdom, grace, strength, freedom, and healing we need. Worship And
The Wonder Of His Presence
23 portions
Leads us to give God the glory due His name. When our hearts respond to His perfections, His grace, and His love for us, worship will be the inevitable overflow. We can only cry, “Holy is Your name!”
Repentance And Revival In His Holy Presence
32 portions
Leads us to new humility, hunger, and holiness and to welcome holy God to reveal hidden sins and deceptions and make us new holy wineskins to receive more of His Spirit. When our hearts respond to His holiness with genuine godly sorrow over our sins, we will cry out. “We want to stand in Your holy place. Give us clean hands and a pure heart.”
Spiritual Warfare By The Power Of His Presence
34 portions
Equips us in the warfare with the unseen adversary and brings the power of God’s presence to manifest His victory. This section exhorts us to use the full armor of God, stand strong in Him, rout strongholds, and walk a victory-assured life with Him. When we see His sovereignty and supremacy, we will cry, “The battle is the Lord’s.”
Click here for a list of topics covered in Vol II (PDF)
Intimacy With God In His Transforming Presence
31 essentials
Challenges us to new commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, encourages new intimacy with Him, and sharpens our ears for hearing Him. He wants to give us new hearts with new love, joy, peace in the Holy Spirit, as we present our lives to Him as a sweet fragrance of sacrifice worshiping, interceding. God will entice us to draw closer and sustain us in trying times, as we cry out, “Radically make me new with Your transforming presence”
Intercession By His Interceding Presence
54 essentials
Stimulates us to live an intercessory life, birthed in prayer, based on prayer, and bathed in prayer as our necessity. The prayer relationship is a lifestyle of conversation with Him in everything. We intercede when our hearts are inflamed with passion, desperation, and fervency. God will do more with days of that kind of passionate importunity in His presence than in years of man’s programs. We cry, “Holy Spirit, pray Your prayers through us.”
The Word of God And His Living Presence
25 essentials
Leads us to live today in the presence of God through His living, active Word. The Spirit breathes His prayers to us through His Word, our prayer-book. It is alive, active, strong, effectual, penetrating, piercing, permeating, productive! A passionate love for the Word of God is essential for living in the presence of God. We cry, “Bread of heaven, feed us till we want no more.”
Marf Rodenbeck –
I actually received Vol 1 in a very hard season.. the reading.. ‘View from the backside of the desert” was EXACTLY what i needed.. these 2 volumes are tools to deepen your devotional and prayer life. If you like to savor letting the WORD DWELL IN YOU RICHLY.. these are for you!!