Spirit, listen to the heart of your Father speaking to your heart in His Word in 1 John 3:1. “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”
You bear the imprint of your Creator’s fingerprints on your entire being. You are a special evidence of His continuing handiwork and creativity in the earth today. He chose generational treasures for you and your soul and body. He made you His child on whom He lavishes His love. Be blessed to feel with almost aching sharpness and clarity the truth that you are greatly loved. He calls you beloved. He likes you. In fact, He adores you. You are the apple of His eye. You are His special treasure. You are legitimate and worthy because He loves you, not because of anything you have done. Be blessed with a deep and abiding joy as a favored child of Most High God.
God gave you your competence, your talents, and your personality. Beyond that is your identity of belonging and worth and your legitimacy in Him as a covenant son/daughter. Be blessed with a healthy sense of being from a solid core of identity and legitimacy in Him. Be blessed with physical, emotional, relational, mental, and spiritual sense of being in Christ Jesus. Be blessed to realize that you stand in His favor based on relationship, not performance. Be blessed with His approval and pleasure. Be blessed with awareness of all your spiritual blessings He has deposited in you. Be blessed with knowing you are set in a large place in the spirit realm, a place of authority in Him.
Be blessed to know that you are loved, wanted, and needed in the world. Your Father placed you right where you are. Be blessed with relaxing in His perfect care in every detail, knowing He is lovingly watching over you. Be blessed with freedom from fear. You are immovable and unstoppable as you remain in that place of abiding in Him and Jesus in you. Be blessed as God encourages and empowers you in His truth and purposes for your life.
Be blessed in the name of your Father who loves you as He loves His own Son
(John 17:23).
From You Are Blessed In The Names of God page 34.