The Father's Business Devotionals

You Are God’s Design Ephesians 2:10

Spirit, listen to God’s Word in Ephesians 2:10. “We are God’s workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus…”

Accept and receive this truth deeply in your being. Your Father had His eye on you long before you loved Him. He intended you and wanted you. He planned you; you were not an accident. You are a product of His love. You were not mass produced. We live in a disposable age, but you are not throw-away. You are one of His best ideas, the result of His fine craftsmanship. His wisdom creatively designed you for Himself. You are “a keeper,” a treasure, valuable and valued. You are carrying a huge reservoir of treasure of generational blessings, because He is generous. He is a just and extravagant God. He celebrates everything that He planned and deposited in the gold mine that is you, everything that He intended for you and pledged to you, and He cannot lie. In Him you know who you are and what you are living for. Be blessed to live in the freedom of maximum fulfillment as you accept and approve and receive your design, how God made you to be.

Listen to the Word of God for you in Matthew 15:13. Jesus said, “Every plant
that my heavenly Father has not planted will be pulled up by the roots.” Be blessed to receive the restoration of God’s original intent for you. Receive the hand of your Father removing everything that He didn’t install in you, everything you got from ungodly generations, in the womb, and since then from unholy sources. Be blessed with seeing the hand of your Father plucking up by the roots what He did not plant in you. Receive God’s restoration of what needs to be restored to its rightful formation and place. He put some special things in you when He created you, and you may have tried to remove them, hide them, or change them. Others may have tried to squelch you or change you all your life. Be released from the soulish plans, prayers, and manipulations of others to make you other than who God intended you
to be.

Hear God’s Word for you in Romans 12:2 NLT. “Let God transform you into a
new person by changing the way you think, and you will know how pleased God is with his will for you and what God wants you to do.” He has designs on you for glorious living in His purposes, to set you in the fullness of Christ in everything in every way. He is actively working out His purposes that are beyond your comprehension. Paul said that no man has heard, seen, or even imagined what wonderful things God has for those who love Him. The power of the Holy Spirit in you is renewing your mind and soul, to give you a new attitude of heart. Jesus, the author and finisher of your faith, is helping you to trust God completely and believe that He knows what is best for your life.

Let God confirm to you those facets of yourself that He designed to be revealed.
Jesus lives in you to shine out of you. Be blessed to grow in all the character, skills, potential, and magnificence that is in your true spiritual DNA. Be blessed to be you.
Be blessed in the name of the Spirit of God who made you, the breath of the Almighty who gives you life (Job 33:4).

Taken from You Are Blessed In The Names of God, pg 27.

Devotion Category: Blessing

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