Praise is adoration of God for who He is, His person, His character, His names. It is loving God because He is God. The Bible gives more exhortations to praise than to pray, because God is altogether lovely, holy, and completely worthy of our worship.
Reasons to praise
Praise is the atmosphere of the throne room of heaven. Rev. 4
Praise provides access into His presence. Ps. 100
We are created for praise. Eph. 1:12, Isa. 43:21
We are saved to praise. Ps. 106:47
God delights in it. Ps. 149:1, 4
God inspires it. Ps. 40:3
God is due it. Ps. 29
God commands it in the Scriptures. Ps. 34:1, 3
Jesus modeled it by example. Matt. 6:9
Praise is the God-given garment in exchange for spirit of heaviness. Isa. 61:3
Praise stirs up faith. Rom. 4:20-21
You are probably facing a battle today. Praise is a strategic weapon that comes before spiritual victory or deliverance. God releases power against the enemy when His people praise. Praise has been winning wars throughout the ages.
Look at these biblical examples.
Joshua 5:14-15, 6:2 Joshua bowed to worship, and God told him that Jericho was already in his hands. As the Israelites marched around the city, they walked out the victory already won in worship.
Judges 7:15 Gideon bowed to worship, returned to his camp, and reported, “Arise, God has given the enemy into our hands.”
2 Chronicles 20:22 “When they began singing and praising…” The Israelites used praise at God’s direction for winning a tremendous victory. They had not even reached the battlefront when God acted and completely destroyed their three-fold enemy.
Acts 16:25-26 Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns. Suddenly a violent earthquake shook the foundations of the prison. The prison doors flew open, and prisoners were set free.
It is sometimes more important to persevere in praise than to continue to petition. Why?
Because in praise, we take our eyes off people and stop struggling on the human level. We focus our spiritual eyes on God and see beyond ourselves and our problem. Then we can lay hold of His infinite ability, availability, and sovereignty. Praise stirs up our faith to stand in His mighty name.
Because God has already judged the adversary, and he is a defeated foe. Praise executes upon him the judgments that God has already written (Ps. 149:6-9).
Because praise acknowledges the victory Christ already won. Jesus is far above all rule, authority, power and dominion, and every name in this age (Eph. 1:20-21). His victory over Satan was legally accomplished at Calvary. Praise speeds victory. Let’s use our valuable weapon of praise for the battles we are facing today.
From Prayer Portions, page 115-16