Before every major new thing God did in the Bible God would tell His people “Consecrate yourself, purify yourself, repent.” Over and over, God showed new revelations of Himself or a new unfolding of His glory to those who prepared the way by purification. Study for yourself and see how many times God said, “Consecrate yourself, for tomorrow I will (or you will).”
• Before leaving Egypt—Exodus 12:15, Luke 12:1, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8
• Before God met Moses in holy glory on the mountain—Exodus 19:10
• Before crossing the Jordan—Joshua 3:5
• Before God revealed sin in the camp—Joshua 7:13
• Before God’s new king was anointed to bear the lineage of Jesus—1 Samuel 16:5
• Before bringing the ark of the presence of the Lord to the place He prepared for it—1 Chronicles 15:12
• Before Hezekiah’s revival—2 Chronicles 29:5
• Before God pours out His Spirit—Joel 1:14, 2:15
• Before the entrance of Jesus into the world the message was “Repent to prepare the way of the
Lord”—Matthew 3:2-3
• Before Jesus went to the cross—John 17:19
• Before the King of kings and Lord of lords reveals His omnipotence—Revelation 2-3
We all long to love God from a pure heart, but we are easily distracted and give our love to other things. Sometimes we don’t even realize it. God knows our weakness and loves us anyway. His constant encouragement to consecrate and purify ourselves is an act of a loving Father that knows what is best for us. God is jealous for the spirit He has put in us (James 4:1-5). He wants us to partner with Him in the things He is doing.
Consecration should begin with us. It is so easy to point the finger at other people who “need to get right with God.” Before praying for others, our church, community or nation, first we need to pray for ourselves. Titus 2:13-14 says, “We wait for the blessed hope—the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.”
Are you willing to pray, “Jesus, thank You for redeeming me. Work in me Your redemption from all wickedness and purify me for Yourself for Your own possession, eager to do what is good.”
Movements of God are birthed in prayer and holiness as God’s people humble themselves to seek God’s face. The primary purpose is to seek God. To know Him and align all of who we are with who His is. Seek God’s face with humility and repentance, because God is the only answer to the urgent needs of our personal lives, our families, His church, the nation, and the world. Ask God how you are to seek Him.
Based on Seeking God’s Heart With Prayer And Fasting 40 Day Calendar from Prayer Essentials For Living In His Presence Volume 1
40 Day Calendar: Seeking God’s Heart With Prayer And Fasting
This 40 day calendar is taken from Prayer Essentials For Living In His Presence Volume 1. It is not date specific so you can start it anytime God leads you to seek Him in prayer for 40 days. The front has specific topics and verses to pray each day. The back includes a biblical foundation for praying and fasting. This is a great tool for prayer groups to use.