Devotional Praise As Warfare

You may be facing a battle today. Praise is a strategic weapon that comes before spiritual victory or deliverance. God releases power against the enemy when His people praise Him. Praise has been winning wars throughout the ages. Here are just a few biblical examples In Joshua 5, verses 14 and 15, and in chapter…

Living the Lord’s Prayer as a Source of Spiritual Fulfillment (Part 2)

Join us as we explore the profound depths of the Lord’s Prayer, where we confront the delicate interplay between our reverence for God and the vulnerability of our needs. Our discourse delves into the transformative shift from ‘Your’ to ‘us,’ a reminder of our collective journey in faith and the potency of communal prayer. Through…

A Deep Dive into the Lord’s Prayer and Its Impact on Faith (Part 1)

Have you ever caught yourself mindlessly reciting the Lord’s Prayer, only to wonder about its deeper significance? Let Elizabeth and Kimberly guide you through its transformative potential and how to avoid the trap of empty repetition. We share stories and revelations from our time with the East Alabama Fellowship of Christian Athletes, exploring the prayer’s…