Father Of Lights

I pray Psalm 119:18 regularly before reading my Bible. “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” As I am reading, God often does not let me settle for the same old words.

In James 1:17,  a very familiar verse of Scripture, I sensed God speaking to my spirit in his still small voice. My understanding went a different direction than ever before. “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” James 1:17

Then I prayed, Father of lights, you light up what needs to be seen. This time you are not emphasizing your good promises, although they are great and irrevocable. I sense you are highlighting who you are, not what you give or what you do. You, Father of lights, will invariably and truly expose things as they are. Shine your light in my own life first. And if you shine your light everywhere and reveal true truth, that would solve all the deception we are captive to. No more mesmerizing politicians, no more deception and denial about our situations, no more posture and posing for the sake of image, no more distortions for the purpose of convenience or ambition or agenda, no more rationalization or wrong responses, no more idols or lesser loves, no more  etc etc etc… That would be personal revival. On the plus side, there would be the delicious sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch of TRUTH! O God, tell me more. I am listening. The bottom line is You and passionately pursuing more of You. You will overflow into my assigned place in the world. That is the heartbeat that allows You to move in spite of this flawed vessel because You are irrepressible.