As the temperatures quickly heat up here in the southern United States, we are more mindful of our thirst and the need for more water. It doesn’t take much time out in the sun to feel the effects. If we are not careful dehydration takes over quickly. In the same way, it is easy to become “spiritually dehydrated” as well. It happens subtly. The stress of the days and weeks eats away at our reserves, and we find ourselves spiritually parched.
Listen with your spirit to the Word of God and be blessed with the passionate cry of the psalmist in Psalm 63:1. “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you.” And in Psalm 42:1. “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.”
Spirit, be blessed to live from that deep cry of seeking God in your innermost being, longing for more of Him, digging in to know Him more intimately. Your Father desires constant communion with you spirit to Spirit. Be blessed with directing the thirst of your soul to communion with Him. Be blessed with getting out of your head and into your spirit, meeting God personally and profoundly.
Be blessed to know that God is who He says He is, and He can and will do what He says He can and will do. He is the I Am to do it in you today. He is personal and powerful, and He alone satisfies. Jesus is standing and knocking, waiting for you to open up to Him for satisfying fellowship (Rev 3:20). Jesus invites you to a table set for two. He wants your love, and He will be satisfied when you fulfill His heart by opening up to Him.
Spirit, be blessed with knowing your covenant-keeping God of promise as you seek Him and keep company with Him in Spirit and in truth. Be blessed to discover Him more as His Spirit lives in you to fulfill your deepest cries. Be blessed to encounter Him in such dimensions that you feel as if you have never breathed spiritually before.
Be blessed in His name Rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him (Heb 11:6).
From You Are Blessed In The Names Of God. pg. 117.