We can never get to the end of praising the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for who he is, in this life or in eternity. God is not outside of us, someone up there who comes down. The blessed reality is that Father, Son, and Holy Spirit live within us in the present tense (John 14:17). He is available to us in us in all his perfections of all his Person.
The focus of my spirit is to align with the Trinity and fellowship in the Father, Son, and Spirit, where all the love, energy, and light dwell among them. Only there can he trust me to carry something on his heart.
Intimacy with the Trinity means knowing what thrills our Father’s heart, what pleases our Lord, and what delights our intimate Companion. It is also knowing what displeases our Father, what dishonors our Lord, and what grieves the One who dwells within.
Enrich your relationship with each person of the Trinity and savor the richness of the Three in relationship with one another and with you. See in all your days their weaving together like a tapestry. Involve the Trinity in awakening in the morning and lying down to sleep at night and everything in between. Enjoy eight excerpts of the 175 triplets of declaration from Living In The Fullness Of The Trinity.
The Trinity In All Of Life
Take in these truths. They are for intimacy, not just information. Selah. Pause. Don’t miss these heart-stopping revelations of God. Let him plant this deep within you in awe and reverence and wonder. Be amazed and moved. Let your spirit receive this from God and then respond from a full and overflowing heart. Don’t move on to the next triplet until each one is deep within you.
God is my everything.
I awake in the Father who made me and calls me covenant son/daughter. 2 Cor 6:18
I arise in the Son who redeemed my life from the empty way of life of my forefathers. 1 Peter 1:18-19
I greet the morning in the Spirit who fills me with life and promise and joy. Rom 8:11, Acts 2:33, Luke 10:21, 1 Thes 1:6
Be intentional that his presence fills your life.
I will tell of God’s covenant faithfulness.
The Father is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him. Deut 7:9, Neh 1:5
The Son is the mediator of a new covenant. Heb 8:6, 12:24
The Spirit was promised by God as part of his covenant with me and my children and their descendants. Isa 59:21, Hag 2:5
Thank him.
God sets me in fellowship…
In the Father with whom I have fellowship when I walk in the light. 1 John 1:3,6
In the Son with whom God called me into fellowship. 1 Cor 1:9
In the Spirit in whom I abide in fellowship. 2 Cor 13:14
Express your gratitude for rich fellowship with him.
He governs my days.
The Father writes my days in his book. Ps 139:16
My government is on the shoulders of the Son. Isa 9:6
The Spirit dwells in my heart as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. 2 Cor 1:22
Rest in his keeping.
I have an inheritance in him.
The Father has given me an inheritance. Eph 1:14, Col 1:12,1 Peter 1:3-4
Jesus is my joint heir. Rom 8:17
The Spirit is the executor and guarantee of my inheritance in the promised redemption to the glory of the Father. Eph 1:14
Receive your inheritance.
God loves me in a three-fold cord of love.
The Father is love and loves me with an everlasting love. 1 John 4:16, Jer 31:3
The Son loves me, has freed me from my sins by his blood, and has set me in a kingdom and made me a priest to serve his God and Father. Rev 1:5
The Spirit loves me and pours out the love of the Father in my heart. Rom 5:5
Love him deeply.
He is my three-fold peace.
The Father gives me peace and not anxiety. 1 Cor 14:33, Phil 4:7, 2 Thes 3:16
Jesus himself is my peace, the power of an untroubled heart. John 14:27, Eph 2:14
The Spirit is righteousness, peace, and joy. Rom 14:17
Thank him for security under his wings.
Thank you…
Father, that you own the earth and all the fullness of its beauty. Ps 24:1
Jesus, for your obedience to your Father that taught me faithfulness for this day. Heb 10:7
Spirit, for filling my life with your presence as you walk with me today. Eph 5:18, Gal 5:25
He owns it all. Devote your life with him to be pleasing to him.
Begin to live each day in all of who God is. Let the fullness of God take root in your spirit, and it will produce fruit in your heart, and mind, and soul, and body. I pray that his breath would infuse your Trinity prayers and make them come alive.
Triune God, I want to seek you and find you in all things,
and be with you, listen to you,
and get in sync with your heartbeat.
Dear Father, Jesus in me, Holy Spirit in me,
let me live with your reality filling my spirit.
Living In The Fullness Of The Trinity is an invitation into the rich harmonies of our Triune God. These eight excerpts of the 175 triplets are taken from Living In The Fullness Of The Trinity.