Jesus came to give us abundant life, to fill us to overflowing with every ounce of His living water. And yet when we go about life in our day-to-day world, we seem to come up short. We grow weary and exhausted. We are not as patient as we need to be. We do not feel as fulfilled as we think we ought to be. We wonder why we are missing out on what others enjoy. We think God is withholding from us. So we try to take control and fill ourselves up. Surely, we can do a better job than God can at satisfying us. So we run to anything and everything under the sun to fill us up…relationships, food, drink, pleasure, entertainment, etc.
Our culture is driven to distraction looking for something. We are running after things that we think will bring us wholeness and satisfaction. You can try to blame this on our modern social media-driven culture. But as Ecclesiastes says there truly is nothing new under the sun. In Jeremiah 2 God says we have forsaken Him and made cisterns for ourselves, but these cisterns are broken and cannot satisfy.
Click HERE to watch a short video of Kimberly explaining about broken cisterns and her own struggle with running after things that won’t satisfy.
Whether we want to accept it or not, only Jesus can fill us up. Only Jesus can make all things new. Only Jesus can forgive us fully and help us forgive. Only Jesus can heal the hurts. Only Jesus can give us satisfaction and joy. May the Spirit of God breathe life into you and may you receive ALL of who He longs to be for you.
Devotional by Kimberly Roddy. Video from Ruach Journey by Sylvia Gunter and Elizabeth Gunter. © 2018
Join Elizabeth and Kimberly as they discuss more about Broken Cisterns in our new podcast episode click here or find our new episode wherever you listen to podcasts.
Ruach Journey is a 13 week video based study. This is your invitation to engage with scripture in order to understand how God created you to live with your spirit, soul, and body aligned with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Kimberly Roddy is the co-author of the Ruach Journey Study Guide and Leader’s Guide. She is a youth culture specialist, professional mediator, coach, and consultant. Learn more about Kimberly at