Beloved child of God, listen to your Father’s heart and his ways for you in Galatians 5:22-23,25. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control… Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”
Listen to God’s Word in Ephesians 2:14. “For he himself is our peace…” In some of his last words to his disciples, Jesus gave peace as a gift from himself (John 14:27). Today receive this gift from him. Be blessed with experiencing the God of peace obviously present with you (Rom. 15:33). He is the author of peace of mind, tranquility, harmony, reconciliation with him, and a sense of his favor. He is the source of the blessings of health, welfare, prosperity, and every kind of good. Be blessed with receiving the Lord of peace himself with you always in every way dispensing his peace to you (2 Thes. 3:16).
Peace is not an emotion. Peace is a Person. Be blessed with peace, not as the world knows peace, but the peace that Jesus gives from his person and presence. He can never be taken away from you, and you can be blessed with peace of Jehovah-Shalom at all times. It is a deep, calm, quiet state of rest and a harmonious relationship with God, with yourself, and with others, regardless of the storm of outward circumstances.
Peace stands in contrast to war, and you don’t need peace unless conflict is a possibility. Be blessed with putting on the sandals of peace, being prepared at all times to bring peace into all circumstances and to all people. Be blessed with living as a peacemaker, because you are the child of the Most High God of peace. Your Savior and Lord speaks his peace into you and into your world by the blessing of his presence in you, so that you confidently say “Peace, be still” to turmoil of all kinds.
Be blessed as your God of peace keeps your whole spirit, soul, and body blameless and above reproach in challenging relationships (1 Thes. 5:23). Be blessed that you are adequate for the task of peace-making that your Father gives you. He has prepared you and equipped you and lives in you to do it. Be blessed with the peace that comes from knowing he is your partner in each challenge.
Be blessed with the good news of peace: how pleasant it is, how sweet and delightful and wonderful it is, how ordained it is for brothers to dwell together in the unity of the Spirit of peace. Be blessed with the rule of the Prince of peace in your spirit, soul, and body.
Be blessed with the fruit of peace that the Spirit of peace produces
in you, your response to his gift of peace (Gal. 5:22).
Based on You Are Blessed In The Names Of God, page 77.