The Father's Business Devotionals

A Father’s Heart

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1-2

There is a successful business man who is dear to our family. The other day this young father told me with obvious delight about walking his little kindergarten daughter to school every morning. He said, “It is the highlight of my day.” He loves her holding his hand. It gives him great pleasure that she wants to start her day with him.

I can’t get this picture out of my mind. In a few words he conveyed so much about a father’s heart for his child. In that snapshot I can hear that he loved her before she took her first steps. He anticipates her day and a few precious moments with just the two of them. She laughs and skips, he is all smiles deep down inside. He protects her and sees her safely across every street. He talks with her about anything on her heart, because the desires of her heart are important  to him. He answers her many questions and coaches her in the things she needs to know. He asks questions because he is immensely interested in every aspect of her life. Wouldn’t you love to hear those conversations?

He loves her mother, his bride, which gives his daughter great security. She knows the sound of his voice. She knows that he faithfully keeps his promises. She knows that she can count on him and he is there for her. She knows from experience that he gives good gifts and prepares fun surprises. She has no doubt that he lavishly loves her, because he has shown it day by day. She thinks he knows everything, and she is certain he can fix anything. Her day is circumscribed by his love and care, as he tucks her in bed at night.

He gives her room to explore which results in inevitable skinned knees, but he picks her up when she falls and his kiss makes well. He comforts her when she cries. If there were a threat to her life, he would step between her and danger.

When she disobeys, it grieves him. It breaks his heart to have to discipline her, but he knows it is for her own good. He is wisely providing for her future, to secure it the best he knows how.

Does this good daddy remind you of Someone you know? We have a loving Papa God who is just like that, eagerly attentive and eternally affectionate. He walks with us and talks with us every day and has written us a love letter in his Word. His protection and care are certain. His heart toward us is holy and unchanging.

Happy Father’s Day, Michael, for how you show us the Father’s love. This year I am going to tell my heavenly Abba “Happy Father’s Day.”

Taken from Safe In The Father’s Heart, p. 55.

Devotion Category: Encouragement

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