Devotional-He is Near to You

January 4, 2024

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are available 24/7 waiting to hear from us. Their phone is never turned off. They are ready to answer us even if all we can do is sigh.

*Updated* Safe in the Father’s Heart-Part 1

January 4, 2024

Today begins a new series on the book by Sylvia Gunter and Elizabeth Gunter called, Safe in the Father’s Heart. Join us on the journey to know our Father better. Whether you have a good earthly father or not, this series is for you. Today, Sylvia reads chapter 1 of the book that introduces us…

Safe in the Father’s Heart-Part 1

January 4, 2024

Today begins a new series on the book by Sylvia Gunter and Elizabeth Gunter called, Safe in the Father’s Heart. Join us on the journey to know our Father better. Whether you have a good earthly father or not, this series is for you. Today, Sylvia reads chapter 1 of the book that introduces us…

Devotional-Sonship and the Father Heart of God (Romans 8:14)

January 4, 2024

Romans 8:14. “Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”

Safe in the Father’s Heart-Part 11-Delighting in Him/You are a Father too

January 4, 2024

Today, we cover chapters 12 and 13 in Safe in the Father’s Heart. Join us for some practical tips on how to delight in your Father God as He also delights in you. We also discuss the power of our Father’s legacy as He gives us the privilege to father others.

Safe in the Father’s Heart-Part 9-Trust is a Weapon

January 4, 2024

Join us for a real conversation with Sylvia. Trust is hard and yet as Job 13:15 says, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” Today we will wrestle through how to use trust as a weapon to fight the accusations of the enemy.

Safe in the Father’s Heart-Part 8-At the Window

January 4, 2024

In Matthew 18, Jesus tells us to come and keep on coming to him. Life is not pain free and the struggle of abandonment and rejection is very real in this life in the day to day. This episode reminds us of the invitation from Jesus to abide and rest in Him. Come and hear…

Safe in the Father’s Heart-Part 7-Living in Your Father’s Love

January 4, 2024

Sylvia joins us to share her struggle when she saw her father again after 26 years. She worked to live in her Father’s love, but it was also a battle. It is not always easy to be centered in your Father’s love. Join us to look at how Jesus continues to point us to the…

Safe in the Father’s Heart-Part 6-Trust

January 4, 2024

Trust is hard, to say the least! Today, we discuss how trust is an active expectation of seeing God show up and believing he will continue to do that. Join us as we wrestle through a conversation on how to trust when it’s hard to really do so.

Safe in the Father’s Heart-Part 5-So You Didn’t Have a Good Father

January 4, 2024

Many have a difficult time relating to God as Father because you didn’t have a good earthly father. Today, we unpack the pain and some of the realities of this. We also try to hear what God says about who He is inspite of the pain many have been faced with in their relationships with…

Safe in the Father’s Heart-Part 4-God is our Father

January 4, 2024

Jesus spent a lot of time in the New Testament talking about His Father. Today, we will spend some time getting to know God our Father better. Discovering who God is for us as Father can change our lives!

Safe in the Father’s Heart Finale-Interview with Bob Brennan and Update on Ukraine

January 4, 2024

Today’s episode wraps up our series on the book, Safe in the Father’s Heart. Kimberly interviews her friend, Bob Brennan, a father, husband, son, mentor, and educator, who gives us an inspiring picture of many of the details we have discussed throughout this book. Prior to this interview, Elizabeth reads an update from Adi and…