Devotional-Choose Life

June 25, 2024

Your Father is pleased that Jesus, his Son, lives in you and His Spirit makes His home in you. Choose the abundant life of Jesus in you. He will never cease living in you.

Devotional-You are the Beloved (John 17:23)

June 4, 2024

Join us as we dive deep into the theme of Divine Love and Belonging, emphasizing how God’s omnipresent and nurturing nature reinforces your inherent worth and belovedness. This devotional is a heartfelt reminder that nothing can separate you from God’s love, urging you to live out your life with the true inner freedom that comes…

Devotional-The Ministry of Jesus

January 4, 2024

Jesus began His ministry by defining His call and His eternal relationship with you. He said, “The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because he anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the…

Devotional-Overcomer Blessing

January 4, 2024

Devotional from the Father’s Business Overcomer Blessing taken from Blessings For Life available at

Devotional-Seven Blessings for Families

January 4, 2024

“…the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name” (Eph. 3:14-15).

Devotional-Seeking God-Psalm 63:1

January 4, 2024

O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you. Psalm 63:1.

Devotional: Be Refreshed

January 4, 2024

When you feel exhausted and at the end of your endurance, receive Gods holy strength and refreshment.


January 4, 2024