“Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.” Mat. 14:27
Life’s storms often seem overwhelming, don’t they? The winds of adversity blow with relentless force, and the waves of circumstances crash over us, threatening to pull us under. It’s in these moments of turmoil that fear and uncertainty consume us. Our natural response is to focus on the terrifying, storm-tossed waves or our sinking feet, struggling to stay afloat in the chaos. But we must remember: Jesus is the One who walks on the storm.
In Matthew 14, Jesus walks on water toward His disciples. Picture the scene: The night is dark, and the waves are battering their boat. The disciples, seasoned fishermen who were no strangers to rough seas, are gripped with fear. They see “a ghost” approaching them across the water. Their hearts pound and panic sets in. But in their terror, a voice cuts through the storm saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”
These words of Jesus are more than just a command to calm their fears; they are a revelation of His identity and authority. In the original Greek, the phrase “it is I” is ego eimi, which is the same phrase used by God when He revealed Himself to Moses saying, “I AM who I AM” (Exo. 3:14). Jesus is declaring to His disciples and us that He is the great I AM, the eternal, all-powerful God who is sovereign over all. The storm may be fierce, but it is no match for the One who created the wind and the waves.
Jesus is not distant or uninvolved in your storms. He is the One who walks on the storm, fully in control of the elements that threaten to undo you. The same Jesus who spoke the world into existence is the One who stands with you in the midst of your trials. He is not intimidated by the storm, and neither should you be. In Him, you can face the storm with courage, knowing that He is the great I AM, the One who walks on the storm and says to you, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”
© 2024 Sylvia Gunter. Taken from Strength To Equal Your Days: A Year of Prayers and Blessings. An archive of past devotionals is available at www.thefathersbusiness.com