The Beatitudes outline the new way of the kingdom that Jesus said we should seek above all else (Matt. 6:33). It is a tall order to be like Jesus, like His compassion, His humility, His longing for His Father’s glory.
The Beatitudes are conditional promises of blessing. Letting Jesus work His character in us is the condition; blessing is the promise. What does blessed mean? It means joy produced by the revelation of His matchless grace. It means living in God’s kingdom in our heart, so that our satisfaction comes from Him, not from favorable circumstances.
Pray for yourself, that you will enjoy the blessing of being the person God wants you to be, as God molds you in the character of His beloved and well-pleasing Son.
Blessed are the poor in spirit. Matthew 5:3
Heavenly Father, I want the humility not to be impressed with myself and my accomplishments. Increase in me (John 3:30). More of You, God, none of me. I am overwhelmed with the sense of my spiritual need. I recognize my true spiritual condition of pride and self-sufficiency, and I am broken over my need to cast myself upon Your mercy.
Blessed are those who mourn. Matthew 5:4
God, break my heart with what breaks Your heart. Let me embrace the true grief of the Man of sorrows. I die to unholy grief (self-pity). Let me receive Your holy comfort in my losses (Isa. 61:2). Wipe away my tears in Your tender mercy.
Blessed are the meek. Matthew 5:5
My Lord Jesus was meek, lowly, and gentle of heart (not to be confused with weakness). He knew He had all the infinite resources of God at His command. Rein me in, so that I will be gentle in Your strength. I accept all Your dealings with me as good. Replace my self-assertiveness and demanding my rights with Your holy long-suffering and humility.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Matthew 5:6
I intensely long for more of You with unquenchable thirst. My spirit and my soul will be completely satisfied only in the living water of Your presence. I won’t try to satisfy my soul’s appetite at the world’s table. I’ll taste and see that You are good. I ardently desire You as much as I need food to sustain life (Ps. 36:8-9, 42:1-2, 63:1,5; Isa. 55:1-2).
Blessed are the merciful. Matthew 5:7
Father of mercies, help me open my heart to others. Through me, show them the mercy they need, setting off a chain reaction of grace. I choose to forgive in the measure as I have been forgiven, because Jesus lives in me with His infinite forgiveness.
Blessed are the pure in heart. Matthew 5:8
Wash me with Your holiness, holy God. Burn out the impurities with Your refining fire. I present my hands and my heart for sweet daily cleansing from the pollution and guilt of sin (Ps. 24:3-4). Separate the precious from the dross, the worthless, insincere, and unholy (Phil. 1:9).
Blessed are the peacemakers. Matthew 5:9
Prince of peace, I renounce jealousy and competition. I am content with who I am before You. I receive Your peace in my heart. I choose to be at peace with everybody in all circumstances. As much as I can, I will make peace where there is discord. As a peacemaker, I will sow in peace and reap a harvest of righteousness (James 3:13-18). I am an ambassador of reconciliation.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake. Matthew 5:10
Righteous One, help me to suffer for the right reason, for Your sake, for God-likeness and commitment to You, not for self-pity or petty sensitivity. I will stand strong when opposed for pursuing You, and I will fall deeper into Your arms. I am a citizen of another kingdom, and I bow only to God’s rightful claims on my life by His Spirit.
Thank God for these promises of the blessings of His kingdom: His relentless mercy, seeing His face, being conformed to the family likeness as His child, and more of heaven’s reign here on earth. Ask God how to intercede for others using the Beatitudes as the model of the character of Jesus that He wants to work in them. Pray for Jesus to fulfill all His blessings in their lives.
Taken from Prayer Essentials for Living in His Presence, Vol 2, page 70-72.