The Father's Business Devotionals

Praying Through A Difficult Situation

Lord, I choose to do whatever it takes to be able to pray the following prayer in complete surrender to Your perfect will regarding (this person, situation, or problem) .

Lord, help me to learn everything You are trying to teach me in (this), and please don’t stop until I have learned everything You want me to receive.

Help me to seek You and not just relief from (this). I pray that You and only You will be glorified and that I will know You better as You give me greater revelation of who You are.

Holy Spirit, I humble myself before You and ask You to search my heart and convict and cleanse me of pride and any other spiritual darkness that might hinder me from repenting of my sins. I relinquish myself to You and ask You to do whatever it takes so that I might walk in the light of truth. I want to pray effectively for (this); therefore, expose to me my sins, so that I can confess, repent of them, and cover them with the blood of Jesus.

Lord, do what it takes to get my complete attention. I put on the altar my entire family and those you have knit me together with in the Spirit. I surrender myself and all those you have brought close to me and dedicate them to You. In Jesus name, I ask You to bring revival to my life and theirs.

Remove from me all bitterness, resentment, and anger. Give me Your total love even if (this) should never change. Help me to confess, repent, and make restitution where necessary for Your honor and glory and my release from all bondage.

Lord, help me to obey you completely. As You direct me to pray and fast, speak to my spirit clearly concerning (this).

As I stand against the enemy, I am clothed in Your full armor covered with the blood of my Redeemer in whom resides all power and authority. I thank You, Father, that You defeated Satan and all the powers of darkness when Jesus died for me on the cross.

I plead Your promises and character over (this). I acknowledge that Your Word never comes back void, and I stand on the following Scriptures and promises to which Your Spirit has lead me. (Make note of the Scriptures God leads you to pray. Here are a few suggested promises/attributes)

God is sovereign. All authority and all power is His. Matt. 28:18.

Nothing takes Him by surprise. All circumstances serve Him. God knows the end from the beginning. Ps. 119:91, Isa. 46:9-10.

God does all things for our good and His glory, to conform us to be like Jesus. Rom. 8:28-29

The blood of Jesus covers all circumstances, people, places, and times.The One who did not spare His own Son will freely give us all His best. Rom. 8:31-32.

God is for us and nothing can separate us from His love. That was settled on the cross. Rom. 8:35-39.

God’s lovingkindness never ceases. His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness. Lam. 3:22-23.

God supplies all our needs by His riches in Christ Jesus. Phil. 4:19.

God knows and cares. The very hairs of our head are numbered. Matt. 10:30.

He is God of all comfort and Father of mercies. 2 Cor. 1:3-4.

God is able to supply His abundant grace to us, so that in all things, at all times, we have all His sufficient grace we need for strength, encouragement, and hope. 2 Cor. 9:8.

God promises that He never leaves us nor forsakes us. He is with us, a very present help. Heb. 13:5-6, Ps. 46:1.

I offer up to You my sacrifice of praise and acknowledge by faith that You have already won the victory. I choose to rest in You whatever the outcome, however You choose to answer. Thank You that You never change and that Your goodness and mercy are everlasting. I ask You in faith to do Your will, to reveal Yourself, to turn hearts and put a godly fear in all concerned about (this) and to bring Your Word to bear on all involved.

Father, I give You all praise, honor, and glory for what You are doing and are about to do. I thank You for the blessings of obedience and acknowledge that every answer I receive is from You, through You, and for Your glory alone. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Taken from Prayer Portions p. 287-289

Devotion Category: Prayer

Devotion Subjects: Forgiveness, Prayer Portions, Surrender

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