The Father's Business Devotionals

Prayer Of Forgiveness

All of us have been hurt by others. Make a quick review of the people in your story. Is there anyone who causes a level of anger or resentment to rise in your heart? While you may feel holding onto resentment and anger punishes the one who hurt you, the painful truth is it is your heart that is held captive. It is time to set yourself free from the prison of unforgiveness. Forgiving someone does not mean that what they did was ok. Forgiveness is trusting God to be your righteous judge and loving Father

Pray this way:
Dear Father,
I have been hurt and wounded by others. While they were wrong in their actions and words toward me, I have also been wrong in my sinful responses toward them. Your Word says that Jesus was bruised for our transgression, and by His stripes we are healed. Take from me any pain I have been holding onto in regard to this person. I don’t want to carry it anymore. I confess the sin of judging them and their specific offenses against me. Forgive me for the anger and hatred I have had in my heart against them.

Thank You for forgiving me through the blood of Jesus. I choose to forgive and release them of all my judgments. I let go of all bitterness, resentment, and ungodly attitudes. All judgment belongs to you. Where there has been injustice, I choose to let You be Judge, and I trust You to care for me. Your power and grace are at work in me. I receive all Your gracious work in my life and choose to live in tune with Your heart for this person. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Declaration Of Release
Now that you have asked God to forgive you, a declaration of release is needed. Release is spoken to the offender, whether they are present or absent, living or dead. It recognizes that our words and actions have bound them and, equally as important, bound us to the offending person. It is often very liberating to speak or write this release to them if we can. With God’s power it can be done.

Because Jesus Christ is my Lord, I free you from my judgments and sinful responses. I give you back to God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I place you at God’s throne of grace. I want my heart to be free by His power. I entrust you to God for Him to work in you and in me in His time and in His way. I choose to see you as God sees you. I bless you to be all God called you to be. I will continue to ask for His love for you. I cannot impose my will or expectations upon you, so I place all my expectations on the cross of Jesus. I know that God has good plans and purposes for each of us. I release you. I give you entirely to God. I loose you and let you go. We are both free.

Taken from Safe In The Father’s Heart pg. 26

Devotion Category: Prayer

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